High Temperature Air Source Heat Pump

High Temperature Air Source Heat Pump

A high temperature air source heat pump is a good alternative to a traditional gas or oil boiler for home heating. They typically require larger radiators than low temperature heat pumps, but they save you more money on your energy bills.

Unlike gas boilers, they don’t produce any local emissions. A German think tank estimates that a widespread conversion to heat pumps could cut EU gas use by 32% over 5 years.


A high temperature air source heat pump can provide a more economical alternative to gas boilers, especially in homes that have poor insulation. This type of air-to-water heating system is not suitable for all homes, however. If you’re unsure about whether it’s the right solution for you, talk to your local heating engineer.

The cost of a high temperature air source heat pump will vary depending on what you want it to do. For example, if you need it to replace a gas boiler, the upfront costs of the heat pump will be higher than if you want it to heat only water.

It’s also important to consider how much space you have in your home and garden. Because these air source heat pumps need to be larger than their low-temperature counterparts, they can take up a lot of space around your property. This means that if you have a small garden, it might not be worth getting one installed.

As well as the upfront cost, you’ll need to factor in the running costs of a high temperature air source heat pump. These will be higher than with regular heat pumps – as they’re not as efficient.

If you have a gas boiler, you can receive PS5,000 towards the cost of an air source heat pump through the government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme, which will be up to April 2025. This is part of the government’s efforts to promote low carbon heating technologies.

This will help you save money on your energy bills and help the environment by using less energy. You can also get a discount on the cost of installation.

A high temperature air source heat pump will not only save you money on your energy bills, it will also be more environmentally friendly than a gas boiler. As a result, the UK government has heralded these systems as a vital component in the green energy transition.

Despite their lower efficiency, a high temperature air source heat pump will be cheaper to run than a traditional boiler and they’re more efficient than many other types of heating appliances. As the price of electricity rises, a high temperature air source heat pump is likely to become even more competitive, and so will their prices.

Energy efficiency

Air source heat pumps are a popular alternative to gas and oil boilers. Because they use outside air to heat and cool a home, they are able to significantly reduce carbon emissions. In addition, these systems can help reduce energy bills.

The efficiencies of air source heat pumps vary depending on the outdoor temperature. As temperatures drop, they work harder to transfer the same amount of heat indoors. This means that you might need to use a backup system if your heat pump isn’t able to provide the amount of heating your home needs at a particular temperature.

High temperature air source heat pumps are an option for homeowners who live in areas where the winter temperatures are particularly low. These units are designed to operate at higher temperatures than standard units and can therefore produce more energy.

When you select a high temperature air source heat pump, you should make sure that the unit is correctly sized for your home’s heating requirements. An oversized unit will struggle to heat or cool your home evenly and may run too long, wasting energy and shortening the lifespan of the equipment.

An oversized heat pump will also be noisier than a smaller one. Fortunately, most modern units offer quiet mode operation that can be switched to at night or in a building with sensitive neighbours.

However, this is not ideal for high temperature air source heat pump all homes. For instance, if you have an elderly or infirm member of the family living in your home, this could be a major concern.

In addition, if your home isn’t properly insulated, this could mean that your heating costs will be higher than a standard system. As a result, it is important to take steps to ensure your home is insulated effectively.

Another factor that can affect the energy efficiency of your home’s heat pump is how the unit works. Many air source heat pumps work using a vapor compression refrigeration process. This works by drawing heat from the outdoors and transferring it to the inside of your home through high temperature air source heat pump a pressure valve. The refrigerant is then pumped through heat exchanger coils that can be located in the air, water or underfloor heating system of your home.


High temperature air source heat pumps are ideal for replacing traditional gas boilers in your home. They are capable of heating the water in your central heating system to temperatures of around 75 – 80degC and can be installed without changing the heating appliances on your property.

However, you need to make sure that your property is well insulated before installing an ASHP. If your house is not well insulated, a high temperature air source heat pump will not be effective and you may find that it makes your heating costs more expensive than they otherwise would have been.

The installation of a heat pump is fairly straightforward and can be done by a qualified technician. The main part of the installation involves connecting the indoor and outdoor units through a refrigerant line and electrical wires. It is also necessary to run a drain line from the outdoor unit to the outside of your home to remove any condensation that might form on the unit.

During the installation, the installer will also install ductwork to help circulate the air in your home and connect all of the components together. They will also need to set up the outdoor unit a safe distance from your neighbours’ property so that they do not have to worry about being disturbed.

Before the installation can begin, your technician will need to measure the airflow in your home and verify that it is sufficient for the system. He or she will then check the refrigerant charge, which is critical for satisfactory performance and efficiency.

If the refrigerant is not at the correct level, your technician will need to add or withdraw refrigerant until it is within the recommended range. This is essential for ensuring that your unit works efficiently and effectively, and will save you money on your energy bills.

A high temperature air source heat pump will require more electricity to operate than a low temperature one. The extra energy cost will be offset by the fact that you do not need to install new heating appliances around your property. In addition, you will also save on fuel bills as the ASHP will not need to be fired up as often.


If you want to save energy and money on your heating bills while still having a nice warm home, a high temperature air source heat pump may be the way to go. While they won’t save you as much energy as a more traditional heat pump, they can help to lower your bills by replacing the heat that your gas boiler is using.

These units are typically low maintenance and require only the occasional cleaning to keep them running smoothly. However, if you want to get the most out of your unit, it’s important to be proactive about keeping it up to scratch.

For starters, it’s a good idea to have a professional perform routine inspections and preventative maintenance. This includes checking the system’s air filter, ductwork, and coils for any signs of wear or damage.

It’s also a good idea to have an HVAC specialist check the refrigerant level to ensure that it is squeaky clean and free of contaminants.

Finally, it’s a good idea to schedule an annual maintenance appointment with a professional so that they can catch any issues before they turn into big problems. This can ensure that your high temperature air source heat pump will continue to run smoothly and efficiently for many years to come.

There are many different types of heat pumps, so it’s important to know which one is best suited for your home before making any decisions about installation. If you’re not sure which model is the best for your needs, a professional could be able to give you some advice.

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